Changed to use the hashed hostname instead. If the infosec class of get_host_name_hashed() is changed to restricted then name is left empty. This is a subtle breakage of functions layers: we do not expect to use get_ functions outisde of collect_ functions but it's very convenient here and is accepted as an exception. |
docs | ||
scenarios.d/foundation_public | ||
test | ||
Dockerfile | || | ||
Makefile | || | || |
is designed to help in executing benchmarks.
A benchmark is a set of information which is collected and analyzed in order to report conformance or state of a system.
Benchmarks and their processing are registered in pg_benchmark as "scenarios".
is released under the PostgreSQL License.
main repository is located at
purpose is to provide a convenient tool to run user defined
scenario, focusing on PostgreSQL and associated technologies.
There is a fundamental feature that scenarios MUST respect: privacy first, by
default user data MUST NOT be inspected. pg_benchmark
provides helpers to
correctly define what scenario are doing and are allowed to do.
This allows to execute pg_benchmark even in restricted environment (health and finance data for example).
See for installation instructions and guidance.
Collecting data
pg_benchmark collect only information of technical interest and keep away from private or sensitive information as much as possible.
These collected information may be written to one or more files which we call a collection, whatever the number of files.
At the end of the collecting process, an archive (compressed tar) of the collection is generated.
Collected data
A collection is composed of 2 parts:
- benchmark metadata,
- benchmark data.
You can evaluate what is collected:
- commands executed using verbosity and dry-run mode:
./ --dry-run -vv
- information collected using verbosity:
./ -vv
Benchmark metadata
Identification of the collection
- collection time
- host, ip, system-uuid
- PostgreSQL cluster name
Basic metrics to get an idea of what the server is:
- Physical or Virtual machine
- CPU, RAM, Disk Sizes
- PostgreSQL cluster size, shared buffers, max_connections
Note: the connection string conninfo
is never included in the collection metadata.
Benchmark data
pg_benchmark is able to collect the following items.
OS (Linux)
Currently, we collect at most:
- OS name and release
- /proc/cpuinfo
- /proc/meminfo, transparent huge pages
- sysctl
Note: this information is collected as is (i.e., without being redacted).
Currently, we collect at most:
- Server version
- Grand unified configuration
- tablespaces
- Overwritten GUC for roles in databases
- Statistic tables (pg_stat/io_*), excluding pg_stats and pg_statistic
Running the tool
We encourage you to try man -l docs/pg_benchmark.1
to know the offered arguments.
We advise to run this tool on the PostgreSQL server because OS level metrics are collected.
Foundation (default)
The goal is to collect data to ensure PostgreSQL is installed and configured in a way where data durability is not at risk. Backup plan and procedure are not checked here.
It is expected to be run once only but new run can be executed after hardware, system or software upgrade/updates.
pg_benchmark collect
pg_benchmark collect --scenario=foundation
The collected data will be written in:
(and inside folder of the same
name if needed).
Default value for store
(--store) is the current directory.
Connection string
Thanks to «--conninfo» we can provide a connection string to access PostgreSQL. Please read PostgreSQL [documentation] for more information.
The simplest form to execute a «foundation» scenario is:
The help can also be useful:
pg_benchmark -h
pg_benchmark --help